Rightscorp IN with Sony


Rightscorp, Inc. entered into a representation with Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.

Sony appointed Rightscorp as its agent solely to monitor the Internet for infringements of copyrights owned and/or controlled by Sony in musical compositions, resulting from unauthorized downloads and uploads by individual infringers on online networks.

Pursuant to the Representation Agreement, Sony also authorized Rightscorp, as Sony’s agent, to collect data as to Infringements of the Protected Copyrights, send notices to Internet Service Providers of such Infringements, negotiate and collect settlements on Sony’s behalf with each Infringer for each identified Infringement of the Protected Copyrights and pay Sony 50% of the Net Revenues.

This is a monumental agreement for Rightscorp, in that partnering with one of the world’s largest entertainment and media conglomerates in Sony not only legitimizes the market they serve as a growing concern, but opens the door for others to follow in Sony’s footsteps.

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